With the unpredictable weather in May many people find it the ideal time to give the home 'a good seeing to' and begin their spring cleaning. It makes sense to wait until dirty, smokey fires are no longer lit before tackling the 'big job' of giving the house a proper deep clean.
Most people start with high expectations about thoroughly cleaning the house "from top to bottom" but once the enormity of the task hits home are happy to consider shortcuts and corner cutting.
Top Tips and Short Cuts for Spring Cleaning in the Bedroom
The logical place to start would be of course the bedroom. Apart from a 'good going over' with a vacuum and perhaps decorating what better way to spruce up this room than 'splashing out' on new bedding and matching curtains? Well chosen luxury, high quality bedding sets not only look great but quality bedding also helps better sleep. There is no excuse for not finding an attractive duvet cover or set of bedclothes - superstars are now queuing up to putt their names to bedding - offering the crass marketing message of Get into bed with #name of celebrity#. Kylie Minogue launched an interesting piece of branding possibly with the intent of covering the "dirty pants" image that the established incontinence products had become famous for with her Kylie at Home Duvets Bedding sets and adding a twist to the strap line "slip between the sheets with Kylie"You can find curtain fabrics that either match or compliment your bedding and depending on your level of skill run up your own designs or alternatively choose a set of ready made curtains to create a whole new look for your boudoir. A whole lot easier that arranging for the curtains to be dry cleaned or risking danger of ruining them cleaning them yourself.
Another consideration in the pursuit of a good nights kip would be to install blackout blinds as an alternative to curtains.
There - Spring Cleaning the bedroom is easy - just clean it as normal then replace the bed linen and curtains to give the bedroom a fresh clean feel.
Dirty Job Done