Sunday 21 February 2010

Replace Dirty Electricity with Clean Renewable Energy

Shine On - PV Panels For Clean Energy

Great news for those thinking about installing wind turbines or the lasets PV panels - photovoltaic panels that generate clean electricity from the sun - attractive to investors in the South West where there is expected to be a surge in interest for PV panels in Devon to cash in on the opportunity to earn from using the clean electricity you generate from you own home PV panels or wind turbine. The feed-in-tariif Devon is set to be embraced by homeowners and communitites alike - keen to be green and benefit from the financial incentive of the governments scheme - the campaign to promote renewable energy in Devon looks set to be one of the most successful in the UK - the future looks bright in the South.

Northerns Remain Dirty

There is a sense of dismay from our friends in the North who suspect that they will continue to pay throught he nose for dirty energy generated from coal and oil power stations. Objections have been voiced by the good folk of Manchester who acknowledge that its grim up North - grey skies and rain - not the ideal conditions for generating solar electricity with even the latest efficient PV panels.

Offsetting Flights

It is sad and ironic that the same people calling foul were those that protested strongly when the Airport announced it was looking to attract more flights to Manchester, claiming pollution was already beyond acceptable levels now that dirty smokers were out on the street. They feel agrieved that they are denied the opportunity to "offset" the dirty fumes of these additional flights to the UK by installing technology in their homes to produce renewable, clean electricity.

The next few months will be critical - if the uptake of home generation of clean electric is good we can all breathe a sigh of relief that we ar doing our bit to lessen the effects of climate change as we continue to take flights around the world.