Monday 12 April 2010

No Buts its got to be butter

Margarine has fats in it that aren't found in nature. Refined polyunsaturated veg oil is an industrial novelty (whose introduction coincides with the rise of heart disease, and is implicated in most mental conditions).

Nutritionist have been peddling ideas based on dubious research - statistics produces pseudo-science - that are 180 degrees in contradiction to our hunter gather evolutionary heritage of 3 million years. There were no plump, sweet fruits 30,000 years ago: anthropologists even think there is no original, unmanipulated fruit left on the planet. Think crab apples and damsons for something closer to the truth (small and sour).

Just consider that most veg is inedible uncooked and much of it mildly toxic.

And since the unproven saturated-fat-heart disease theory has now been effectively shown to be only true of marge it's time to pick up a big piece of meat on the bone and eat real food again.

Here's raising my glass to butter! (Avoid 'Willow', it's mostly marge).